Alternanthera Reineckii Bronze Tissue Culture

Alternanthera Reineckii Bronze Tissue Culture

Alternanthera Reineckii Bronze is a great choice for red and pink plant lovers!
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Alternanthera Reineckii Bronze is a recommended aquarium plant for beginning hobbyists due to its ease of care. Unlike many other Alternanthera species, Alternanthera Reineckii Bronze or AR Bronze, provides medium-sized bright red leaves with a bronze undertone. When grown in a proper and well-maintained planted aquarium, this aquatic plant will produce vigorous growth and is the perfect addition to the background of medium to larger aquascapes. Red aquarium plants commonly require high CO2 and nutrients in order to achieve and maintain their vibrant colors. Alternanthera Reineckii is a little more forgiving and will keep its color easier. However, if lack of care is shown, leaves will fade out to an orange hue.

It prefers high nitrates and high phosphates so dosing quality fertilizers is essential which will help speed up growth and maintain colors.  

Common Name AR Bronze
Alternanthera Reineckii Bronze
Care Easy to Moderate
Lighting Medium to High 
CO2 Required
Suggested Placement Midground
Propagation Trim stems and plant
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
Height 4-12"+
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