Alternanthera Rosaefolia

Alternanthera Rosaefolia

Alternanthera Reineckii Rosaefolia offers vibrant magenta hues to a planted aquarium.
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Alternanthera Rosaefolia is a variation of the commonly used Alternanthera Reineckii. Like most Alternanthera species used in the planted tank hobby, AR Rosaefolia is no stranger to bold color and can be commonly seen in Dutch aquascapes due to its bright color palette. This aquarium stem plant is easily recognized by a unique white venation found on its leaves.

Just like other aquarium stems, AR Rosaefolia does best in a planted tank with quality lighting and CO2 injection. When provided with optimal conditions, this plant will easily breach the surface with the potential to bloom small flowers above water. Propagation can be done by snipping anywhere along the stem and replanting into the substrate.

Common Name AR Rosaefolia
Care Moderate
Lighting Medium to High
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Midground
Propagation Trim and plant stems
Growth Rate Moderate
Height 8-12"+
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