Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf - Mother Plant

Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf - Mother Plant


This listing includes a mature, mother plant specimen. Anubias plants are hardy and beginner-aquarist friendly!
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf is a variation of regular Anubias Barteri. While very similar, Broad Leaf produces leaves that are considerably larger with a waxy sheen when mature. Like other forms of Anubias, Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf is very hardy and will readily adapt to various aquarium conditions, making it popular amongst beginner aquarium hobbyists. This aquatic plant is rich green in color and its large size makes it great for filling in empty aquarium space. It is epiphytic and will grow well when attached to aquarium hardscape or placed in between crevices of the hardscape layout. Alternatively, Anubias plants are great for Wabi Kusa display and are also suitable for terrariums or emersed conditions. While not required, Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf will enjoy and experience much better growth in a planted tank that is fully established and is provided with CO2 injection, quality planted aquarium soil, and quality lighting.

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Common Name Anubias
Anubias Barteri Broad Leaf
Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Versatile
Propagation Separate rhizome and reattach
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
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