Anubias Congensis - Mother Plant

Anubias Congensis - Mother Plant


This listing includes a mature, mother plant specimen. Anubias plants are hardy and beginner-aquarist friendly!
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Anubias Congensis stands out with its slender, sharp leaves, distinguishing it from the more common Barteri or Nana variants. Its deep green color and leaf size make it ideal for the mid-ground of planted aquariums. Like other Anubias, it’s perfect for beginners due to its hardiness and easy care, thriving in both aquariums and terrariums.

It's a flowering plant that grows best when the rhizome is attached to hardscape material such as wood or stone. Regular fertilization is favorable and low to medium lighting is sufficient as high lighting will promote the growth of algae on its leaves. CO2 is not required but promotes faster growth and robust leaves. Propagation is straightforward; simply cut or pull apart rhizomes to be reattached.

Pot Size Comparison!

Common Name Anubias Congensis
Care Easy
Lighting Low
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Attach to wood or stone
Propagation Separate rhizome
Growth Rate Slow
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