Anubias Lanceolata - Mother Plant

Anubias Lanceolata - Mother Plant


This listing includes a mature, mother plant specimen. Anubias plants are hardy and beginner-aquarist friendly!
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Anubias Lanceolata is a hardy species known for its large growth and easy care. Like other Anubias plants, Anubias Lanceolata is undemanding and adaptable to various water conditions. This variety features long, pointed leaves that set it apart from other popular Anubias plants. It is a slow grower, like others, and does well in low-light, low-tech planted tanks and similar setups. Like most Anubias, Anubias Lanceolata is quite forgiving in nature and is easily loved by hobbyists of all skill levels due to its hardy nature and ability to adapt well to a wide range of aquarium tank parameters.

Like other Anubias, Bucephalandra and Java Ferns, Anubias Lanceolata does best when attached securely to aquarium hardscape such as aquascaping stones or aquarium driftwood. Alternatively, it can also be placed between cracks in an aquascape layout and it will attach itself overtime. Care should be taken to ensure its roots are not glued when attaching as this can promote the rotting of the plant. Anubias benefits from consistent fertilization but light requirements are minimal as its leaves are susceptible to algae growth when placed under high lighting. CO2 is optional but can promote faster growth and robust leaves when used. 

Pot Size Comparison!

Common Name Anubias Lanceolata
Care Easy
Lighting Low
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Attach to wood or stone
Propagation Separate rhizome
Growth Rate Slow
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