Anubias Stardust Mini

Anubias Stardust Mini


Anubias plants are a wonderful choice for beginner aquarists!
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting. 
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Anubias Stardust is a rare variant in the Anubias family. Comparable in size and appearance to Anubias Nana Petite, Anubias Stardust is slightly smaller with unique foliage. Anubias Stardust's leaves have lightly colored veins and varying specks of white scattered across, resembling dust speckles. When kept in a planted aquarium tank under proper lighting, its leaves are illuminated and provide a unique personality to a nature aquarium. Just like all Anubias, Anubias Stardust is fairly easy to care for and will adapt well to a wide range of aquarium tank parameters. This particular species requires a little more light to keep its signature character but is generally hardy and comparable in care to Bucephalandra and aquatic fern species. Overall, Anubias Stardust is a great aquatic plant choice to add to any planted aquarium tank and will give a beautiful pop of contrast against alternative aquatic plant species and aquarium tank hardscape.

Another great feature is its ability to thrive in both aquariums and terrarium-like setups. Anubias Stardust is a flowering aquatic plant that grows best when the rhizome is attached to hardscape material such as wood or stone. 

Propagation is straightforward; simply cut or pull apart rhizomes to be reattached. 

Common Name Anubias Stardust
Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Attach to wood or stone

Separate rhizome
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
Leaf Size 2-5"
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