Aridarum Mini

Aridarum Mini


Aridarum Mini is a rare aquarium plant with small green-ish leaves with pointed tips. Similar in care to Bucephalandra, Aridarum Mini is relatively easy-going and adapts well to low-tech planted tank conditions. Like other Aridarum species, Aridarum Mini does well with good flow and can be attached to hardscape material using thread, superglue or by simply placing it in the gaps of a hardscape layout. Propagation is similar to Anubias, Bucephalandra and Java Fern species.

Aridarum prefers low to medium lighting and is notorious for growing extremely slow. However, if patience is administered, growth can is very rewarding. Like other epiphytic aquatic plants, Aridarum Mini should not have its  stem and rhizome covered when planting as this can cause the plant to die.

Common Name Aridarum Mini
Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Attach to wood or stone
Propagation Separate rhizome
Growth Rate Slow
Leaf Size 1-3"

Our potted aquarium plants are kept under strict fertilizer dosing regimes and are provided with CO2 injection in their holding tanks.

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