Bahai Stone

Bahai Stone


Bahai Stone, similar to our favorite, Ryouh Stone, is a much rounder rock in texture. The stones are primarily grey charcoal colored with characteristics that include white marbling and rounded grooves and edges. Just like Ryuoh, Bahai Stone can be used to create softer Iwagumi rock layouts but is versatile and can mimic a range of looks depending on use such as a natural calm river bed. It also complements well with aquarium driftwood such as Pacific Wood or Spider Wood. Its dark coloration would look beautiful when paired with wispy green plants such as Eleocharis Parvulus Mini. Bahai Stone is rare in North America and availability is extremely limited.

How many pounds do I need?
We advise 2 x Tank volume in gallons = Total amount of pounds required

TIP:  Rinse stones before use. 
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