Basin Driftwood

Basin Driftwood

IMPORTANT: Requests pertaining to size, dimension and shape are NOT guaranteed unless custom hardscape is purchased. For more information, please send our team an email. All stones and driftwood are natural items (unless otherwise noted) and variations in shape, size, color and natural markings and/or characteristics may or may not be present.

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Boiling aquarium driftwood will speed up waterlogging and the release of tannins!
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Basin Driftwood is a new type of aquarium driftwood recently introduced to the hobby. This aquarium wood is very ornamental and works beautifully as a focal point of the planted aquarium. Characterized by deep grooves and rich color, Basin Driftwood commonly features large grooves and dips that are perfect canvases for adding your favorite Anubias, Bucephalandra and groups of Microsorum Pteropus or other aquatic ferns. Basin Driftwood is extremely versatile and can also be used in emersed setups such as paludariums or terrariums and paired with your favorite terrestrial plants. Available in three sizes to accommodate a range of planted setups, there's a piece of Basin Driftwood for every purpose! Use a singular piece as a statement or group them together to create intricate wood aquascapes.

Basin Driftwood pictured in Quick Scape 095 in the Ultum Nature Systems 45U 9 gallon standard aquarium tank

Size Specifications

Size Average Size (IN)
Small L: 10-14"
W: 5-7"
H: 5-7"
Medium L: 12-16"
W: 10-12"
H: 7-9"
Large L: 18-20+"
W: 8-12"
H: 4-10"

TIP 1: 
Usually sinks on its own in 2 weeks  time

TIP 2:  Tannins leeched from wood will provide a natural tint to water, but will gradually dissipate based on the frequency of water changes

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