Bonsai Tree Driftwood Double Tree Padded

Bonsai Tree Driftwood Double Tree Padded


Bonsai Tree Driftwood for planted aquariums is constructed from various natural aquarium-safe driftwoods. Skilled artisans create each tree by hand, in a wide range of styles and sizes. Bonsai Tree Driftwood is extremely versatile, easy to work with and is a great hardscape choice for an instant aquascape layout. 

Almost all driftwood is buoyant! Before using Bonsai Tree Driftwood, we recommend soaking the wood for as long as possible prior to adding it into an aquarium tank. Alternative methods are to boil the wood or attach it to a dense aquarium hardscape rock. Boiling aquarium driftwood encourages tannins to release quicker and will also sterilize the wood. Tannin water is not dangerous and will not harm tank inhabitants, in fact, it will lower the pH over time. A lower pH also results in the aiding of nutrient consumption for aquatic plants and aquarium water parameters being closer to natural habitats for most tropical fish such as Tetras, Rasboras, Bettas, or Gouramis.

If the water tint created by the release of tannins is not your cup of tea, we suggest increasing the frequency of water changes. However, some aquarium hobbyists do enjoy its natural look. This usually is contingent upon personal preference and species of fish that are kept.

Recommended Aquatic Plants:

Wave Style

 The wave style bonsai tree driftwood is a unique piece to add to any planted aquarium tank. Originally inspired by the more recently popular Indonesian aquascapes, this unique bonsai driftwood tree is bound to impress. Its distinct shape is great by itself or as a base to the foundation of a more intricately styled planted aquarium tank. We'd recommend creating a rooted look or a triangular aquascape layout paired with aquatic mosses or the aquatic plants listed above! 

    Tank Recommendations
    8 x 3.5 x 4.5
    9 x 4 x 5.25
    10 x 5.5 x 6.5
    13.5 x 6 x 8
    16 x 7 x 10 

    TIP 1: 
    Usually sinks on its own in 2 weeks  time

    TIP 2:  Tannins leeched from wood will provide a natural tint to water, but will gradually dissipate based on the frequency of water changes

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