Cabomba Piauhyensis Red

Cabomba Piauhyensis Red


Cabomba Piauhyensis, also known as Cabomba Furcata, is a beautiful aquatic stem plant from tropical regions of America. This aquarium plant offers lush, delicate foliage that offers several tones of green, brownish-red and wine red. Fine leaves are fan-shaped and offer beautiful texture to the planted aquarium. Like most aquatic stem plants, Cabomba Furcata is a prolific grower when kept in optimal conditions with a good source of nutrients available. 

Unlike other species of Cabomba, this particular species is the most demanding and is suitable for aquarists with some experience growing finicky aquarium plants. We recommend intense lighting, CO2 injection and a complete macro and micro-nutrient supply. Results are improved with soft water as well. 

Common Name

Cabomba Furcata
Cabomba Piauhyensis
Cabomba Red

Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
Growth Rate Fast
Size Varies Depending on Conditions
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