Crinum Calamistratum

Crinum Calamistratum


Crinum Calamistratum is a bulbous aquatic plant that sprouts narrow, semi-curly dark green leaves. It has the potential to grow very long and doesn't require as much light when compared to other Crinum species. It can be propagated by replanting smaller bulbs formed from the main bulb. Interesting facts about Crinum Calamistratum are that they can also be kept in brackish aquariums with low salt concentrations and will not be eaten by herbivorous fish species. CO2 is not required but this aquatic plant, like most, will benefit from the addition of CO2 injection. 

Common Name

Crinum Calamistratum
Care  Moderate 
Lighting Medium to High
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Background 
Propagation Divide and plant
Growth Rate Moderate 
Height 8-12+"

Our aquatic plants are all kept and grown in 
high-quality substrate by Marfied  Controsoil. A strict fertilizer dosing regime and CO2 are provided in their holding tanks.

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