Cryptocoryne Axelrodi Tissue Culture

Cryptocoryne Axelrodi Tissue Culture

IMPORTANT: Tissue culture aquarium plants are grown in laboratory settings that specialize in aquatic plant propagation. Tissue culture plants contain young specimen that are grown in emersed forms. With this in mind, please understand how to properly transition and acclimate plant(s) into desired form(s). When done correctly, plant melt is minimal. We cannot issue refunds for tissue culture plants that arrive healthy and die out of our care.

LIVE PLANTS ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO STRESS AND DAMAGE FROM TRANSIT - This may appear in the form of minimal melt, leaf loss, cosmetic damage, etc. Refunds or replacements will not be issued for plants with viable root systems.

Remove tissue culture gel and clean gently before planting in the aquarium. 
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Cryptocoryne Axelrodi is a lovely Cryptocoryne species that provides a classic look with narrow leaves that are a rich greenish-brown hue in coloration. With growth dependent on environmental factors, Cryptocoryne Axelrodi is a good choice for mid ground coverage in an aquascape layout that uses a nutrient-dense aqua soil as Cryptocoryne is a heavy root feeding genus. Its narrow leaves, pointed tips and varying color tones provide a good contrast against other aquarium plants and a nice texture to add to the mix. 

Final size, shape and hue are determined by the environment in which it is kept. When provided with strong lighting and CO2, Cryptocoryne Axelrodi may grow flatter with a wider spread. Cryptocoryne species are fairly hardy once adapted to the aquarium but do not appreciate being moved around so once a spot is chosen, care should be taken to not disturb the plant and parameters within the aquarium tank should not fluctuate too quickly as this could encourage rot.

Propagation is done by splitting the rhizome or cutting off new growth and replanting. 

Common Name Crypt Axelrodi
Care Moderate
Lighting Low to Medium 
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Midground to Background 
Propagation Separate and plant
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
Height 10-15"

Tissue culture plants are grown in-vitro by laboratories who specialize in propagating aquatic plants. There is a huge selection of plant species that have been propagated this way. This is truly the best option for those who want absolutely zero unwanted pests, algae and pesticides. This makes them perfect for shrimp keepers and any planted tank enthusiasts alike.

NOTE: It is important to remove the tissue culture agar gel before planting. Simply wash the gel away, divide, and plant.

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