Cryptocoryne Hudoroi

Cryptocoryne Hudoroi


Cryptocoryne Hudoroi is a beautiful aquarium plant in the Cryptocoryne family that offers a unique midground accent in a planted aquarium tank. Sprouting from a rosette, Cryptocoryne Hudoroi features large, oblong foliage that varies in deep shades of green, reddish-brown and a slight bronze depending on the environment in which it is planted. Crypt Hudoroi's slightly ruffled leaves offer both interesting texture and contrast in a planted aquarium tank and their size provides a valuable refuge for smaller organisms in the tank. Like most Cryptocoryne species, Cryptocoryne Hudoroi does not prefer to be disturbed and care should be taken when deciding placement to ensure it is not moved in the foreseeable future as Crypt melt is a known phrase for good reason!

Moderate, quality aquarium LED lighting is preferred along with CO2 injection and a nutrient-dense aquarium soil for good growth and the aquarium should be established if possible before adding Cryptocoryne Hudoroi as a newly set up tank can also lead to the melt of this aquarium plant. Propagation is simple and can be done by gently separating the mother plant into smaller portions and replanting into quality aquarium soil intended for aquatic plant propagation and growth.

Common Name Cryptocoryne Hudoroi
Crypt Hudoroi
Care Moderate
Lighting Low to Medium
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Background

Separate and Replant
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
Height 4-12"

Our potted aquatic plants are kept under strict fertilizer dosing regimes and are provided with CO2 injection in their holding tanks.

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