Cryptocoryne Wendtii Sindoor Tissue Culture

Cryptocoryne Wendtii Sindoor Tissue Culture


Cryptocoryne Wendtii Sindoor is a new variety of Cryptocoryne derived from Cryptocoryne Wendtii Brown. Like other lab-created Cryptocoryne plants, Crypt Wendtii Sindoor was carefully monitored to ensure a stable mutation that produces a more consistent color and form. Cryptocoryne Wendtii Sindoor features a deep maroon hue that may include shades of lighter red, pink, green and brown. It is a suitable aquatic plant for midground placement in an aquascape layout. Care is assumed to be similar to other forms of Cryptocoryne Wendtii and include a nutritious aquarium substrate, low to moderate lighting and CO2 injection, if possible.

Cryptocoryne species are known for their sensitivity to newly cycled tanks and drastic parameter changes. To reduce chances of Crypt melt, allow Wendtii Sindoor to establish a strong root system in a mature planted aquarium before attempting propagation or movement of the plant. Once established, propagate by gently separating plantlets from the mother plant and replanting into the soil. 

Common Name Cryptocoryne Wendtii Sindoor
Wendtii Sreepadma Sindoor
Wendtii Pink
Water Trumpet
Care Easy to Moderate
Lighting Low to Moderate
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Foreground
Propagation Separate and Replant
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
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