Cryptocoryne Willisii

Cryptocoryne Willisii


Cryptocoryne Willisii is a less common variant of Crypt. It features bright green grass-like leaves and has characteristics that are similar to that of other Crypts such as Crypt Lucens.  Like many other Crypts, not much happens during the first month after planting. However, it will start to grow, and willingly produces plenty of plantlets forming dense bunches. It can be grown both submerged and emersed. To propagate, simply cut off new plantlets growing from the mother rhizome.

Common Name

Crypt Willisii
Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Midground
Propagation Separate rhizome and plant
Growth Rate Slow
Leaf Size 2-3"

Ultum Nature Systems tissue culture plants are grown in-vitro by laboratories who specialize in propagating aquatic plants. There is a huge selection of plant species that have been propagated this way. This is truly the best option for those who want absolutely zero unwanted pests, algae and pesticides. This makes them perfect for shrimp keepers and any planted tank enthusiasts alike.

NOTE: It is important to remove the tissue culture agar gel before planting. Simply wash the gel away, divide, and plant.

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