Curved Tip Scissors 8" Stainless Steel Aquascaping Tool

Curved Tip Scissors 8" Stainless Steel Aquascaping Tool

IMPORTANT: Returns are subject to approval and must be new, unused and in original packaging. Damaged returns are subject to restocking fees.

Extended length to reach lower areas of the aquarium.
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Planted tank aquascaping tools consist of primarily scissors, tweezers and sand flatteners. Aquascaping tools are specifically designed for aquatic plant propagation and aquarium maintenance. 8" stainless steel aquascaping scissors are essential for trimming and maintaining aquatic plant species with precision. Stainless steel aquascaping scissors are a must-have for all planted aquariums as aquatic plants can grow quite unruly if left untrimmed. Alternatively, some aquatic stem plant species require regular pruning to ensure growth by making sure sufficient lighting reaches the bottom stem. The long and narrow scissor blades allow for delicate operation even in the hard-to-reach locations of planted tanks. Crafted with precision, these spring curved scissors are made from professional grade stainless steel and are extremely durable.

Premium aquascaping scissors
Black leather carrying case

TIP: Dry well after use and store in carrying case to maintain tool longevity

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