Desert Stone

Desert Stone


Desert Stone is a new type of planted aquarium tank hardscape choice in the aquarium hobby. Similar in appearance to its popular counterpart, Dragon Ohko Stone, Desert Stone features a golden orangeish coloration along with small craters here and there that are spread across the surface but are not as distinct or consistent. Desert stone is not as fragile and crumbly when compared to Dragon stone but doesn't lack any jagged texture and characteristics making it the perfect choice for planted tank enthusiasts looking for a similar look who don't particularly love the dust that comes with Ohko Stone. Desert Stone's texture is similar to Black Lava Rock and Icelandic Lava Rock making it a great canvas for aquatic plants such as Anubias, Bucephalandra and moss species to anchor themselves to. 

How many pounds do I need?
We advise 2 x Tank volume in gallons = Total amount of pounds required

TIP:  Rinse stones before use. 

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