Dr. Tank BGA Zero - 8

Dr. Tank BGA Zero - 8


Dr. Tank BGA Zero is a treatment tablet designed to effectively reduce and prevent the growth of blue-green algae (BGA) in freshwater aquariums. Also known as cyanobacteria, BGA is easily identified by its distinctive blue-green mats that often appear on the aquarium substrate, aquatic plant leaves, equipment, and tank surfaces. This algae spreads rapidly, making it challenging to manage once established, but BGA Zero provides an efficient solution to combat and control its growth.

This product should be used in combination with good aquarium cleaning habits for best results. It is important to use this product as directed.

What we like about Dr. Tank's BGA Zero Tablets

Easy to Use:  Each bottle includes 30 quick-dissolving tablets. Do not exceed dosage guidelines and follow use instructions.

Product Specifications

Type Quantity
BGA Blue Green Algae / Cyanobacteria Removal
30 tablets per bottle

About Dr. Tank

Dr. Tank offers a variety of freshwater and planted aquarium products that aim to treat and address common problems that occur when keeping an aquarium. From algae removal to aquatic plant nutrition, algae prevention and more, Dr. Tank aquarium products help to maintain and keep a healthy freshwater or planted aquarium tank.

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