Dragon Wood

Dragon Wood


Boiling aquarium driftwood will speed up waterlogging and the release of tannins!
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Dragon Wood is a new style of aquarium driftwood hardscape used for aquascaping. Similar in color tone to a popular alternative, Malaysian Driftwood, Dragon Wood also features interesting physical characteristics such as natural pores and holes, making it reminiscent of Dragon Ohko Stone. This characteristic distinguishes Dragon Wood from other natural aquascaping woods but it also makes it a top contender for use with aquarium mosses and epiphytic aquatic plant species such as Anubias, Java Fern and Bucephalandra. These natural divots provide ample space to insert rhizome plants without the use of man-made materials such as glue or thread.  Simply, place and secure a portion of moss and rhizome in the pores then set the planted piece of Dragon Wood in an aquarium.

Measurement Range: Provided measurements are rough estimates. This driftwood is 100% natural, so dimensions may vary by a few inches. Please use them as general guidelines.

XS 3-8” ~ Great for nano tanks and as accent wood pieces.
S 7-13” ~ Nano, long and standard tanks.
M 8-15" ~ Standard aquariums and larger. Tanks with protruding pieces.
L 14-20" ~ Standard aquariums and larger. Tanks with protruding pieces.
XL 18-20”+ ~ Large aquarium projects.

TIP 1:  Usually sinks on its own in 2 weeks  time

TIP 2:  Tannins leeched from wood will provide a natural tint to water, but will gradually dissipate based on the frequency of water changes

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