Drosera Rotundifolia

Drosera Rotundifolia

IMPORTANT:  Please ensure you are familiar with carnivorous plant care and general terrarium plant care. Carnivorous Sundews are not recommended for beginners and can be finicky as they require particular care and have periods of dormancy.  Should you choose to change this plant's growing environment, please allow the plant to acclimate first, then transition slowly and according to each respective plant's care requirements.

LIVE PLANTS ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO STRESS AND DAMAGE FROM TRANSIT - This may appear in the form of leaf loss, cosmetic damage, dropping etc. Refunds or replacements will not be issued for shaken culture gel and/or plants with viable root systems.

Drosera Rotundifolia, sometimes referred to as Round-leaved Sundew, is a carnivorous plant that has rounded, lime green traps paired with long red sticky tentacles. It is a medium-sized carnivorous species and enjoys humid, wet conditions to grow properly. It should be noted that Drosera Rotundifolia is not an aquarium plant and will die if completely submerged. This plant works well in terrariums, vivariums, and paludarium-style setups as long as conditions are met. Drosera Rotundifolia prefers bright, indirect lighting indoors and partial to full shade if kept outside. Drosera Rotundifolia flowers from June to September and offers an abundance of seeds. Drosera Rotundifolia requires 6 months of dormancy, annually and may appear dead or wilted to an untrained eye. Do not allow Sundews to dry out!

Drosera Rotundifolia is NOT an aquarium plant. Submerging this plant in an aquarium will kill it!
Thoroughly clean and remove tissue culture gel prior to planting Drosera Rotundifolia
Tissue culture plants are cultivated in sterile lab settings ensuring your plant is free from pests, snails and algae! 

Common Name(s) Drosera Rotundifolia
Round-leafed Sundew
Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
Growth Rate Slow
Size Varies Depending on Conditions
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