Echinodorus Baby Bear

Echinodorus Baby Bear


Echinodorus Baby Bear, also known as Echinodorus Small Bear, is a beautiful aquatic sword plant that features a color palette consisting of greens and reddish tones. This particular aquatic sword plant grows smaller and more compact when compared to its larger aquatic counterparts such as Echinodorus Bleheri and more. Due to its small size, Echinodorus Baby Bear is a great choice for beginners who want a unique background plant in nano-sized aquarium tanks or as a midground aquatic plant choice in larger planted aquarium tanks. 

Like all aquatic sword species, Echinodorus Small Bear is easy to keep, fairly hardy and needs a minimum of a nutrient-rich aquarium substrate as these species of aquatic plant are heavy root feeders. Aside from this, Echinodorus species are fairly tolerable of varying water parameters and lighting conditions. While this little aquatic sword grows more compact, it is still a larger aquatic plant in general and should be pruned periodically to ensure smaller aquatic plants are not shaded from the light provided. 

Propagation is simple. Separate and replant. 

Common Name

Amazon Sword
Echinodorus Small Bear
Echinodorus Baby Bear

Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Background

Separate and Replant
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
Height 7-12"

Tissue culture plants are grown in-vitro by laboratories who specialize in propagating aquatic plants. There is a huge selection of plant species that have been propagated this way. This is truly the best option for those who want absolutely zero unwanted pests, algae and pesticides. This makes them perfect for shrimp keepers and any planted tank enthusiasts alike.

NOTE: It is important to remove the tissue culture agar gel before planting. Simply wash the gel away, divide, and plant.

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