Echinodorus Red Wild Grass

Echinodorus Red Wild Grass


Echinodorus Red Wild Grass is on the newer spectrum of Amazon Sword Plant species. Considered to be on the small side for Echinodorus, Echinodorus Red Wild Grass is a suitable sword plant choice for smaller planted aquariums. Newer leaves are a soft pink color with older leaves displaying vibrant green hues. Echinodorus Red Wild Grass is easy to grow both submerged and emerged with its emerged form displaying harder, coarse-textured green leaves. 

Echinodorus easy care makes it a great choice for beginner hobbyists and typically works great in Wabi Kusa setups as well. Like all aquatic sword species, Echinodorus Red Wild Grass is easy to keep, fairly hardy and needs a minimum of a nutrient-rich aquarium substrate as these species of aquatic plant are heavy root feeders. Aside from this, Echinodorus species are fairly tolerable of varying water parameters and lighting conditions. 

Propagation is simple. Separate and replant. 

Common Name Amazon Sword
Echinodorus Red Wild Grass
Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Background

Separate and Replant
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
Height 4-12+"
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