Eleocharis Parvula Mini

Eleocharis Parvula Mini

Dwarf Hair Grass is a popular foreground carpeting aquarium plant!
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Eleocharis Parvula Mini, more commonly known as Dwarf Hair Grass or Hair Grass Mini is a staple foreground plant that resembles a lawn of grass in a backyard. This aquarium plant is the epitome of underwater lawns and its thin stalks grow vertically from roots that spread by sending runners horizontally.

High lighting and CO2 injection are not necessarily required to grow Dwarf Hair Grass but are highly recommended as it produces a highly noticeable difference in growth rate and overall lush factor. To plant, gently separate the plant into small portions and plant each portion an inch or so apart halfway into the substrate. Once established, regular trimming will be required as once it sends runners out, the plant grows quickly.

Common Name

Eleocharis Mini
Dwarf Hair Grass Mini
Hair Grass Mini
Eleocharis Parvula Mini

Care Easy
Lighting Medium to High
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Foreground
Propagation Trim and plant runners
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
Height 1-2"+
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