Helanthium Tenellum

Helanthium Tenellum

IMPORTANT: This listing is for Aquatic Farmer Tissue Culture! Tissue culture plants are cultivated in sterile lab settings ensuring your plant is free from pests, snails and algae! These are young specimen that are grown in emersed forms. Gel should always be removed prior to planting.

LIVE PLANTS ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO STRESS AND DAMAGE FROM TRANSIT - This may appear in the form of minimal melt, leaf loss, cosmetic damage, etc. Refunds or replacements will not be issued for plants with viable root systems or that die out of our care.

Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Helanthium Tenellum is a grass-like aquatic plant that is commonly used for its carpeting tendencies. Its appearance is similar to other aquatic plant species such as Dwarf Hair Grass and Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae (Micro Swords) and propagates by sending out runners as well. Helanthium Tenellum is generally easy to keep and will spread readily if given optimal conditions. We recommend using it as a foreground or midground choice. It can even be used as a short background aquatic plant choice in smaller nano-sized aquarium tanks. Just like other rosette species, this particular aquatic plant is beautiful in groups or by itself. Propagation is also fairly simple and can be done by separating via the runners and replanting into a quality aquarium substrate. 

Common Name Echinodorus Tenellus
Helanthium Tenellum 'Green'
Care Easy to Moderate
Lighting Medium to High
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Midground
Propagation Trim and plant runners
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
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