Hikari Bio-Gold Betta Food

Hikari Bio-Gold Betta Food

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Why we love and recommend this:
Convenient packaging with pouring spout
Naturally floating pellets
Rich natural color-enhancing ingredients

Our recommended choice of food to ensure healthy and vibrant Betta Fish. Betta Bio-Gold by Hikari is a powerful color-enhancing diet that was developed through extensive research into the nutritional requirements of Bettas. The floating pellets are carefully balanced with ingredients such as superior protein sources, and Astaxanthin which enhances a Betta's coloration. It also includes grape seed extract that has been shown to reduce the impacts of aging and spirulina, which naturally offers a high concentration of usable vitamins. It's a great everyday dietary choice for your Betta that will not cloud the tank water and will most importantly promote a long and healthy life.

Size: 0.70 oz

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