Homalomena Rubescens Variegated

Homalomena Rubescens Variegated

IMPORTANT:  This listing is for the Tissue Culture form of this plant. Tissue culture plants are cultivated in sterile lab settings ensuring your plant is free from pests, snails and algae! These are young specimen that are grown in emersed forms. Care and survival of this plant species is the buyer's responsibility. We are not responsible for plants that do not make it due to improper care or negligence. Gel should be removed prior to planting in desired growing medium.

LIVE PLANTS ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO STRESS AND DAMAGE FROM TRANSIT - This may appear in the form of minimal melt, leaf loss, cosmetic damage, etc. Refunds or replacements will not be issued for plants with viable root systems or that die out of our care.

Popular amongst the rare house plant collectors, Homalomena Rubescens is a rarity that has become increasingly popular in the house plant community. This beautiful aroid features heart-shaped, variegated leaves. The species is well-known for being easy to care for, resistant to disease and tolerant of low-light conditions. Even so, we recommend placing your Homalomena Rubescens Variegated in bright-indirect lighting. Growing medium preferences vary, but should be well-draining. A mixture of organic components such as orchid bark, perlite and high-quality sphagnum moss work great! Frequent fertilization isn't required, but during grow seasons, will help boost overall health and appearance. This tropical aroid does best in warmer climates and should be kept away from colder areas and drafts. Like other rare aroids, Homalomena Rubescens Variegated will appreciate an environment that is richer in humidity, if possible.

Pruning does not need to be frequent, but older leaves or foliage with visible damage can be removed to encourage new growth.

Common Name

Homalomena Rubescens Variegated
Homalomena Variegated

Care Moderate
Lighting Bright, indirect
Propagation Cuttings
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
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