Homalomena Sekadau South

Homalomena Sekadau South


Homalomena Sekadau is a rare flowering plant that belongs to the same family as Bucephalandra. Because of its rarity, the likelyhood of a local fish store carrying this plant is slim to none. Similar to Buce, it's quite easy to care for and can be grown submerged or emersed. Homalomena doesn't require that much lighting to thrive as it is a slow growing and excessive lighting can cause algae growth on its leaves, much like Anubias and Buce. 

Common Name

Homalomena Sekadau


Medium to High

Suggested Placement Attach to wood or stone

Separate rhizome
Growth Rate



Ultum Nature Systems tissue culture plants are grown in-vitro by laboratories who specialize in propagating aquatic plants. There is a huge selection of plant species that have been propagated this way. This is truly the best option for those who want absolutely zero unwanted pests, algae and pesticides. This makes them perfect for shrimp keepers and any planted tank enthusiasts alike.

NOTE: It is important to remove the tissue culture agar gel before planting. Simply wash the gel away, divide, and plant.

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