Homalomena Sekadau South Narrow Leaf

Homalomena Sekadau South Narrow Leaf


Homalomena Sekadau South is a sought-after tropical plant native to the rainforests of Sekadau and West Kalimantan, Borneo. A member of the Araceae family, Homalomena is a well-known genus in the aquarium hobby and is also highly popular among terrarium enthusiasts and houseplant collectors. These plants are typically low-maintenance and well-suited for various plant-related hobbies, including aquascaping, terrariums, paludariums, and vivariums, while also being popular as houseplants. Similar to popular aquatic plants like Anubias and Bucephalandra, Homalomena is relatively easy to care for and can be grown in varying conditions. This variety of Homalomena features dark green coloration and more slender leaves than the regular H. Sekadau South.

Common Name Homalomena Sekadau South Narrow
Care Moderate
Lighting Moderate
CO2 Recommended
Propagation Separate and replant
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
Height 4"+
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