Hydrocotyle Tripartita

Hydrocotyle Tripartita


Hydrocotyle Tripartita is a popular midground aquarium plant!
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Hydrocotyle Tripartita, sometimes referred to as Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan, is a commonly used aquarium plant species in the planted tank hobby. Made popular by the creator of aquascaping, Takashi Amano, Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan is easily recognized by its clover-shaped foliage that has the potential to produce dense bushes or delicate vines throughout a planted aquarium tank. This aquarium plant's bright green hue and unique leaf shape makes it a great ornamental species that is commonly used in the midground or background area of the aquarium. Hydrocotyle Tripartita is typically undemanding, but sufficient lighting should be provided or growth tends to be leggy and sparse as the plant stretches towards the light source.

We recommend medium to high lighting, CO2 injection and a basic aquarium plant fertilizer to start. From there, tweaks may be made depending on the overall tank and goals. When well-established, Hydrocotyle Tripartita is a quick grower and will outpace many aquatic plant species making regular maintenance a must. Propagation is easy and can be done by snipping the plant anywhere along the stem and replanting it into quality, nutrient-dense aquarium soil.

Common Name Hydrocotyle Japan
Hydrocotyle Tripartita Japan
Care Easy to Moderate
Lighting Medium
CO2 Required
Suggested Placement Midground
Propagation Trim and plant stems
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
Height 5-10+"
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