Labisia Sp Turtle Back

Labisia Sp Turtle Back


Labisia plants thrive in high humidity and low to medium lighting conditions. Labisia Turtle Back features broad leaves with high contrast color tones and a stunning venation pattern, earning its name. When placed under LED lighting, colors are exaggerated and pop beautifully in a terrarium, vivarium or enclosed container garden making this Labisia a highly coveted species. We encourage high humidity, partial-shade and a mixture of quality sphagnum or peat moss mixed with your choice of bark, perlite or alternative potting mediums for planting guidelines. Stunted or deformed growth may signal nutritional deficiencies and browning edges are signs of insufficient humidity levels. This Labisia grows quite large so we recommend having a sizeable tank or enclosure for this plant. A common Labisia Ardisia plant on the rare vivarium plant collector's list! 

This plant will ship as a cutting that may or may not be lightly rooted
Labisia Sp Turtle Back is NOT an aquarium plant. Submerging this plant in an aquarium will kill it!

Common Name Labisia Sp Turtle Back
Ardisia Sp Turtle Back
Care Easy
Lighting Low to Medium
Growth Rate Slow
Size Varies Depending on Conditions
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