Ludwigia Dark Orange Tissue Culture

Ludwigia Dark Orange Tissue Culture

IMPORTANT: Tissue culture plants are cultivated in sterile lab settings ensuring your plant is free from pests, snails and algae! These are young specimen that are grown in emersed forms. Gel should always be removed prior to planting.

LIVE PLANTS ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO STRESS AND DAMAGE FROM TRANSIT - This may appear in the form of minimal melt, leaf loss, cosmetic damage, etc. Refunds or replacements will not be issued for plants with viable root systems or that die out of our care.

Ludwigia Dark Orange is a popular aquarium stem plant!
Remove this plant from its growing medium before planting.
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Originally named Ludwigia sp. 'Atlantis', Ludwigia Dark Orange is comparable to its more popular fellow species, Ludwigia Palustris and Ludwigia Repens. Characterized by bold orange leaves, this aquatic plant can also be grown emersed and when done so, will display bright colors and yellow veins. However, coloration varies and is highly contingent upon the type of LED aquarium lighting utilized. We recommend using this plant in conjunction with other similar species in the midground of larger planted aquarium tanks or the background of nano aquarium tanks. The orange colors will provide a nice contrast against green aquatic plants and result in a lovely display in a planted tank. While this particular variant of Ludwigia does not require CO2 injection or iron dosing, it will greatly benefit from both and reward you with quick attractive growth.

Common Name Ludwigia Atlantis
Ludwigia Dark Orange
Care  Moderate 
Lighting Medium to High 
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Background 
Propagation Trim and plant stems
Growth Rate Moderate
Height 4-10+"
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