Ludwigia Marilia

Ludwigia Marilia


Ludwigia Marilia is a rare variation of Ludwigia that originates from Brazil. There is very limited information available about this plant, but appearance-wise, this aquarium stem plant sports rounded leaves that vary in hues of light green, red and bright orange. When Ludwigia Marilia is happy, this aquarium plant grows quickly and is fairly large in size, making it suitable for larger planted aquarium tanks. Pruning Ludwigia encourages the production of side shoots and is a good way to increase coverage in bare areas. 

Like other Ludwigia species, Ludwigia Marilia isn't known to be extremely finicky or difficult to grow. We'd recommend starting with the basics such as a quality aquarium soil, medium to high lighting, CO2 injection and an aquarium plant fertilizer. On top of this, routine maintenance and keeping the aquarium clean is highly recommended. From there, adjustments may be made as needed. Ludwigia Marilia may be propagated the same as any other aquatic stem plant. Simply trim anywhere along the stem and replant into aquarium soil!

Common Name Ludwigia Marilia
Care  Moderate 
Lighting Medium to High 
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Midground to Background 
Propagation Trim and plant stems
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
Height Varies depending on environment

Our bunched stem plants are all kept and grown in 
high-quality substrate by Marfied  Controsoil. A strict fertilizer dosing regime and CO2 are provided in their holding tanks. 

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