Microsorum Pteropus Java Fern - Value Pack

Microsorum Pteropus Java Fern - Value Pack



Java Fern is arguably one of the most commonly used plants in planted tanks.
Microsorum Pteropus, better known as Java Fern, is a popular genus of aquarium fern plants that remains a top pick for hobbyists of all levels. This aquatic fern features rich green color and is available in several leaf shapes and sizes. Java Fern is extremely versatile with placement and can be used in aquariums of all styles. Its hardy nature will tolerate various water conditions, making it a favorite amongst beginners. Java Fern are epiphytes and can be grown floating or attached to your preferred aquarium hardscape such as driftwood and stones.

This versatility in placement makes it a great filler plant in aquascapes that need additional greenery in mid to higher levels of the tank layout. Java Fern will grow in almost all conditions as long as the plant's rhizome is not buried or covered. Java Fern is a fantastic choice for low-tech aquariums and requires minimal care. To boost growth, CO2 injection and low to moderate lighting are sufficient. A classic staple in the planted aquaria hobby!

Please remove all rockwool surrounding the plant's rhizome and roots prior to planting!
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