Myriophyllum Tetrandrum

Myriophyllum Tetrandrum


Myriophyllum Tetrandrum is a feathery aquatic stem plant that is an excellent addition to an aquascape when planted in large groupings. It can survive a wide range of aquarium conditions. The stand out feature of this aquatic plant is its extremely bright green coloration and red stem. This aquatic plant is perfect for planted aquarium hobbyists who are looking for a full yet wispy background plant.

Common Name Myrio Green
Care  Moderate 
Lighting Medium to High
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Background 
Propagation Trim and plant stems
Growth Rate Fast
Height 10-30"

Our bunched stem plants are all kept and grown in 
high-quality substrate by Marfied  Controsoil. A strict fertilizer dosing regime and CO2 are provided in their holding tanks.

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