Quick Scape 040
- $93.99
- $93.99
This branchy 10 gallon layout is composed of a hand full of naturally aged Manzanita Twig Wood pieces and a larger amount of Ohko Dragon Stones stacked at the base. Darker green colored plants would compliment this look well. We suggest a sand foreground with Christmas Moss accents surrounding the base sparingly or a full Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae carpet. The addition of Bucephalandra Green Wavy or Anubias Nana Petite scattered on top of the rocks would add an extra layer of greenery and depth. Finally, Bolbitis Difformis ‘Mini’ and a taller aquatic plant such as Microsorum Pteropus Narrow would complete the overall look.
Modeled after a 10 gallon tank.
Save $60 by selecting the QUICK SCAPE + TANK package option!Glass Aqua Quick Scapes are what you see is what you get planted tank rock and wood hardscape layouts that are made ready for a variety of standard aquarium sizes.
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