Rotala Blood Red Tissue Culture

Rotala Blood Red Tissue Culture


Rotala Blood Red is another variation of Rotala Rotundifolia with higher demands and a finicky nature. When planted in the correct conditions, Rotala Blood Red has the potential to produce vivid, bold red hues, as its name suggests. However, this color only emerges when the aquarium plant is happy and provided with optimal growing conditions. Similar to other difficult to grow Rotala species, Rotala Blood Red requires CO2 injection, high lighting, softer water, a nutrient-dense aquarium soil and a quality fertilizing regiment.

This variation of Rotala does not grow as quickly and exhibits an upright, straighter growth pattern that doesn't branch out as often when trimmed. Because of this, this aquarium stem plant will need to be trimmed and replanted more often to produce a bushy appearance. Rotala Blood Red is not a beginner aquatic plant, but for those are successful in growing it, rewards will be great!

Common Name Rotala Rotundifolia
Rotala Blood Red
Care  Difficult 
Lighting High 
CO2 Required
Suggested Placement Midground to Background 
Propagation Trim and plant stems
Growth Rate Moderate
Height Varies depending on environment

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