Rotala Mexicana Tissue Culture

Rotala Mexicana Tissue Culture

Rotala Mexicana is one of the more difficult to grow Rotala species in the planted aquarium hobby. However, when planted in the right conditions with consistent care, this stem plant will form a lush reddish hedge that is perfect as a midground or background addition depending on tank size. 
Common Name Rotala Pulsilla
Care  Moderate 
Lighting High 
CO2 Required
Suggested Placement Background 
Propagation Trim and plant stems
Growth Rate Fast
Height 6-12 "

Tissue culture plants are grown in-vitro by laboratories who specialize in propagating aquatic plants. There is a huge selection of plant species that have been propagated this way. This is truly the best option for those who want absolutely zero unwanted pests, algae and pesticides. This makes them perfect for shrimp keepers and any planted tank enthusiasts alike.

NOTE:  It is important to remove the tissue culture agar gel before planting. Simply wash the gel away, divide, and plant.


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