Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice

Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice


Originating from Italy, Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice is a created mutation by propagating specific aquatic stems under particular conditions. Similar in leaf shape and growth characteristics to its popular counterpart, Rotala Rotundifolia, Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice displays varying shades of orange hues, earning its name. Like all Rotala species, Rotala Orange Juice can be grown submerged or emersed. When growing this aquatic stem plant emerged, its usual thin pointed leaves begin to fatten up and round off. Whether this aquatic plant is grown submerged or emersed, Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice provides beautiful contrast against green aquatic plant species. 

Like all red, pink and orange plants, this aquatic stem plant does well when provided with high lighting, CO2, and fertilization dosing. High iron supplementation will increase the intensity of the plant. If kept under proper conditions, Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice is a fast growing plant and will require consistent pruning to prevent the bottom leaves from dying off due to lack of lighting and to keep it growing lush.

Common Name

Rotala Orange Juice
Rotala Rotundifolia Orange Juice
Care  Moderate 
Lighting Medium to High 
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Background 
Propagation Trim and plant stems
Growth Rate Fast

15-30 "

Our bunched stem plants are all kept and grown in 
high-quality substrate by Marfied  Controsoil. A strict fertilizer dosing regime and CO2 are provided in their holding tanks. 

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