Tiger Lotus

Tiger Lotus


Nymphaea Zenkeri, also known as Red Tiger Lotus, is a beautiful aquatic plant that hails from West Africa. This aquatic plant features bold coloration and large foliage. Dependent upon its environment, Nymphaea Zenkeri (Tiger Lotus) can display leaves that are green, red-brown, bright pinkish red and rich maroon hues with purple spots. Due to its coloration, Tiger Lotus pops extremely well in a planted aquarium tank and has the potential to grow extremely large. Its lilies will sit on the water’s surface and if left to grow without maintenance, this aquatic plant can shade plants below from essential lighting. If you prefer to not have leaves shooting to the surface, pruning will be very important in preventing this growth behavior. Like all aquatic plants, Nymphaea Zenkeri will do best in an aquarium tank that has clean water, good aquarium lighting, CO2 injection and a nutrient dense aquarium soil. As mentioned, this aquatic plant can grow quite large and is best suited for larger sized aquarium tanks. 

Common Name

Red Tiger Lotus
Nymphaea Zenkeri
Care  Easy 
Lighting Medium
CO2 Optional
Suggested Placement Background 
Propagation Divide and plant
Growth Rate Moderate 
Height 7-30"

Our plants are all kept and grown in 
high-quality substrate by Marfied  Controsoil. A strict fertilizer dosing regime and CO2 are provided in their holding tanks.

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