Twinstar Algae Inhibitor

Twinstar Algae Inhibitor

IMPORTANT: Please cross-reference the provided chart to ensure this device is compatible with your aquarium. Returns are subject to approval and must be new, unused and in original packaging. Damaged returns are subject to restocking fees.

The Twinstar Algae Inhibitor effectively inhibits the growth of different strains of algae such as green algae amongst others. This device does so without any negative impact on the aquarium tank ecosystem and is safe for aquatic plants, freshwater fish and shrimp species, and beneficial bacteria. The Twinstar Algae Inhibitor works by eliminating algae spores during early stages, ultimately preventing it from growing. With the reduction of algae growth, aquatic plant growth is encouraged and aquatic plants are able to remain healthy and compete with algae for excess nutrients in the water column. This further starves algae strains and prevents it from reproducing. It is best to install this device during the initial setup of an aquarium when algae is non-existent.

The results of a comparative test with Glossostigma and  Rotala Indica revealed that Glossostigma's growth increased up to 50% and Rotala Indica increased up to 40%.

Below is a comparison of two tanks (one with and the other without a Twinstar Algae Inhibitor):

Model Specifications

Model Tank Size (GALLONS) Tank Recommendations
M3 5 - 13 Ultum Nature Systems Cube Tanks

Ultum Nature Systems Nano Tanks

Ultum Nature Systems Shallow Tanks
M5 5 - 31 Ultum Nature Systems Shallow Tanks

Ultum Nature Systems Long Tanks
NANO 13 - 52 Ultum Nature Systems Standard Tanks
NANO+ 13 - 66 Ultum Nature Systems Standard Tanks
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