UNS Stainless Steel Sand Flattener Aquascaping Tool

UNS Stainless Steel Sand Flattener Aquascaping Tool

Ultum Nature Systems Stainless Steel Tools are made by hobbyists for hobbyists. Crafted with precision, these tools will last for years with proper care. This aquascape toolset features the essential aquatic plant tools that all planted aquarium enthusiasts need for a successful tank.

Planted tank aquascaping tools consist primarily of stainless steel scissors, tweezers, and sand flatteners. These tools are specifically designed for aquatic plant propagation and aquarium maintenance. To protect from rust, these tools are made of high-quality stainless steel.

Curved Scissors:  8" stainless steel aquascaping scissors for precise aquatic plant trimming and maintenance. Stainless steel aquascaping scissors are a must-have for all planted aquariums. Aquatic plants require regular trimming and old leaves must be carefully removed. The curved blades allow for delicate operation even in the hard-to-reach locations of planted tanks.

Fine Tip Pinsettes: 10" stainless steel aquascaping tweezers for the precise planting of aquatic plants and maintenance. These tweezers feature a stable yet lightweight grip that allows for planting accuracy. No matter how elaborate the aquascape, this is an essential aquascaping tool to add to your arsenal. They are designed with ease of planting in mind and are thin enough to plant in narrow spaces.

Sand Flattener: 10" stainless steel aquascaping sand flatteners for precise substrate levels. These flatteners aid in visual aesthetics but also help create subtle adjustments for your hardscape placement. Use them to produce neat and flat foregrounds or slopes for extra depth perception and rolling hills. 

TIP: Dry well after use to maintain tool longevity

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