Vallisneria Americana

Vallisneria Americana


Vallisneria Americana, also known as American Eelgrass, Water Celery, Eelgrass and Tape Grass, is a background plant commonly used in the aquascaping hobby. The aquatic plant features long strap-like leaves that sprout from stoloniferous clumps. Vallisneria are known for their height and relatively easy care, making them a popular choice for a range of skills. Like other Vals, Vallisneria Americana will appreciate a nutrient-dense aquarium soil and good lighting. These plants are not too finicky, and while CO2 is not required, the addition of it will help improve health and growth rate.

Propagation is simple as it spreads via side shoots and is easily separated. Regular pruning is recommended as this species can grow to the height of your aquarium easily and will also anchor deep into the substrate if given the opportunity to do so.

Common Name Val Americana
Tape Grass
Jungle Val
American Eelgrass
Care Easy 
Lighting Medium to High
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Background
Propagation Divide and plant
Growth Rate Fast
Height 12-20"+
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