Vallisneria Spiralis

Vallisneria Spiralis


Vallisneria Spiralis, commonly known as Straight Vallisneria, Jungle Val, Eelgrass, or Tape Grass, is a popular background aquarium plant. Favored in the aquascaping community for its graceful, flowing leaves and low-maintenance care, Vallisneria plants thrive with minimal attention, making it ideal for beginners and seasoned hobbyists alike. Although it doesn't require CO2 injection, adding CO2 can enhance its growth rate and resilience. To support healthy growth, use nutrient-rich aquarium soil or supplement with aquatic plant fertilizers or root tabs.

Propagation is simple as it spreads via side shoots and is easily separated. Regular pruning is recommended as this species can grow to the height of your aquarium easily and will also anchor deep into the substrate if given the opportunity to do so.

Common Name Val Spiralis
Straight Vallisneria
Tape Grass
Jungle Val
Italian Vallisneria
Care Easy 
Lighting Medium to High
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Background
Propagation Divide and plant
Growth Rate Fast
Height 12-20"+
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